

Tumblr is a social network where users can post content such as images, videos or text to a short-form blog (a website or webpage containing information about different topics). Users can also message each other and livestream. Tumblr is accessed using a browser or mobile apps for Android and iPhone users.

Every Tumblr user has their own blog, which is a webpage showing all their blog posts. People can ‘follow’ each other and ‘like’, share or reply to a user’s blog post. They can also submit a blog post they have created to another user and request that they publish it on their blog. A user’s dashboard has ‘For You’, ‘Following’ and ‘Your tags’ feeds which show posts by all the people they follow and posts on topics of interest that the user has chosen (called ‘tags’). A user can pay to do things like turn off adverts and increase the reach of their posts and can pay for virtual items.

Under 18 accounts cannot see content labeled as ‘mature’ and cannot ‘tip’ (give money to) other people on Tumblr.

There are no parental controls available, but Tumblr does have safety settings including the ability to prevent other people from seeing when a user is online or seeing which blogs a user has ‘liked’. People can also hide their own blog from search results or prevent others from mentioning their blog in posts and replies. It is possible to password-protect some blogs. Users can filter out posts based on keywords and topics such as drugs and violence. They can prevent Tumblr from using their search history to recommend content to them.


Access parental controls
or safety settings here