Contact us about your credit file
Use this form to get in touch with our credit file support team. You can also raise a dispute through your online credit report.
Before you contact us:
Make sure you’ve paid any overdue bills – we can’t amend your credit file if your account is overdue. Pay your bill now or if you’re struggling to pay your bills.
After you’ve contacted us:
We’ll aim to respond to you within seven working days. If we find we've made a mistake on your credit file, we'll update it. It can take up to 30 working days for the update to show on your online credit report

Issue details

Your details

Account information

If you know them, please give details about the account that relates to your credit file issue.

Address details

You can find this on your online credit report. If you can’t find it, we’ll need your addresses from the last six years.
Enter manually
