Report a street works issue
If you've noticed an issue with Vodafone equipment while out and about, please let us know and we'll investigate as soon as we can.
Please note: this form is for reporting street works issues only. If you need help with your Vodafone mobile or broadband, please contact the Vodafone service desk on 03333 040 191, or 191 if calling from a Vodafone mobile.
Report a problem with Vodafone street equipment
What is street equipment, and what kind of problems should I report?
Manhole covers that are loose, cracked, missing, noisy or sunken
Underground cables that are exposed or damaged
Cabinets that are damaged, open or have graffiti on them
Vodafone masts and poles that appear damaged or are causing a safety concern
Worksites that you have any safety concerns about
What information do you need?
Please give us as much detail as you can. This will help us to investigate the problem as soon as possible.
Helpful details include:
Location, including street name and number
An easily identifiable landmark
A description of the problem
Any other useful information, including whether the problem appears to be causing danger
How can I report a problem?
You can let us know about a problem with our equipment by contacting us below: