Vodafone’s IoT saves Emergency One time and money


  • Emergency One are the UK's leading manufacturers of fire and rescue vehicles

  • Working with life-saving vehicles means issues need to be rapidly detected and resolved

  • Vodafone’s IoT technology allows the vehicles to stay connected to the internet so their information can be tracked at all times

Meet Emergency One

“Every fire is unpredictable. The equipment used to fight them can’t be.”

Mike Madsen

Emergency One

Emergency One are the UK’s leading manufacturer of fire, rescue and emergency vehicles and equipment, currently building around 80% of the UK’s fire and rescue vehicles. They know that these life-saving vehicles need to move fast, be safe, and arrive with the right equipment to deal with the situation.

Even after a fire engine has been completed, the job doesn’t end there for Emergency One.

The challenge

Emergency One realised that teams needed to understand what was happening out on incident. They wanted to track their fire engines, monitor fuel and water efficiency, and check all equipment was operational and available.

Plus, the firefighters needed to have access to WiFi so they could stream fire footage or issue public safety warnings while out in the field.

Emergency One wanted to use the latest technology to ensure their products are safer and more reliable. That’s why they came to us.

“We put a SIM into all our technology and Vodafone’s resilient network allows us to connect them and access them remotely. That is how a fire engine becomes a connected fire engine.”

The solution

As technology moves forward, so too do the teams that work with it.

Installing Vodafone’s IoT-enabled SIM cards in fire engines enables them to stay connected to the internet. Emergency One can now always track its fleets with RFID-tagging and telematics systems, while also checking what vital operational equipment is onboard the vehicle and what isn’t.


“We can bring all the vehicles together, take information from them and make software changes. All of this is saving time and effort and allowing firefighters to focus on their job of saving lives.” 

Elliott Boyce

Project Manager, Emergency One

By using smart  Internet of Things SIM cards, Emergency One can now remotely: 

  • Assess the status of equipment,

  • Predict and repair faults,

  • Monitor water levels and more.

Additionally the WiFi connected fire engines make it easy for firefighters to communicate critical safety messages to the public. Now, both Energy One vehicles, and the staff manning them, are better connected to help improve these life-saving services.

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