8 steps to sustainability for businesses from WWF

Find out how to create a more sustainable future.


The climate and nature emergency is bringing the future of our world into question. That’s why WWF are committed to reducing human impact on the environment.
However, if we want to create real, effective change, every one of us has a role to play in helping to bring our world back to life.
The technology we choose to use every day could play a role in the fight against the climate and nature crisis, which is why we have partnered with WWF to use our technology to help reduce the negative impact on the planet. Read the press release here
By coming together, we want to encourage consumers, businesses, and society to take greener actions – and you can help. Whether your business is brand new or well established, alongside WWF, we’re encouraging you to assess the impact you’re making on emissions and nature, then set some targets to reduce those emissions. There’s so much you can do, but by making your business and supply chains more sustainable, you’ll be off to a brilliant start – especially if you measure progress along the way.
As partners, we’ll be working on some exciting programmes including lots of ideas on how to do just this, so keep a lookout for that! In the meantime, here are some simple ways you can start showing customers your business is serious about sustainability.

  1. Look into your impact on emissions.

  2. Scrutinise your impact on nature (water usage, raw material use, and deforestation) – and be honest with yourself

  3. Set targets to reduce your emissions.

  4. Set targets to reduce your impact on nature.

  5. Start working towards those targets. Don’t forget to measure and track your progress.

  6. Talk to your customers, clients, suppliers and industry peers to share knowledge, ideas and take them on the journey with you.

  7. If you’re able to, talk to government representatives or even your local MP to start creating policies that help you do more.

  8. Report on your results (and celebrate them!) to show customers your progress, and to help create a buzz in your industry about what you’re doing.

Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once to contribute towards creating a more sustainable future.
Start making one change at a time and, soon enough, you’ll be well on your way to leading a more sustainable business.

If you want to talk these steps through, the V-Hub Digital Advisers can help you understand where your business currently stands and guide you in the right direction. Chat to them for free here, or learn more about our partnership with WWF here.

Sustainable Business Growth For SMEs

Discover guidance on sustainable growth for SMEs with WWF and The Carbon Trust.

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