Vodafone Call Back
Our Vodafone Call Back service for Pay as you go customers ended on 17 August 2023.
This is where you can find the terms and conditions for Vodafone Call Back, (formerly known as Vodafone Buzz Back). For any questions you might have about how it works please read our FAQs. The main rules:
- The service is available to pay as you go customers only. Your use of the service is subject to these terms so please take the time to read them.
- The service allows you to send a request text to a friend or family member requesting a call back.
- You can only send a maximum of two (2) requests per day. If you try to send any more than two, the texts will not be delivered.
- You can't modify the content of the text which is sent and we'll only accept requests to valid UK mobile numbers.
- The service is for your personal, non-commercial use and subject to the Pay as you go Airtime Conditions and our Acceptable Use Policy.
If you're travelling
- You can use the service whilst you're travelling but you'll be charged to send the request and to receive calls if you're outside the Europe Zone as charges for receiving calls abroad will apply. You'll need to make sure you have credit on your account if you want to receive calls.
What we'll do
- To prevent abuse of the service, if you try to send more than 28 requests in any seven-day period, you'll be suspended from using the service for seven days. We'll permanently restrict your use of the service if it's being used in a way we don't allow under these terms.
If you don't want to receive the messages
- You and non-Vodafone customers can request that your number is blocked from receiving the call back text messages. Call Vodafone customer services on 191 free from a Vodafone Pay monthly mobile, or 03333 040191 from any other UK phone (standard charges apply).
Changing or stopping the service
- We may vary, amend or withdraw Vodafone Call Back and may make changes to these terms. If we do decide to make any significant changes, we'll make sure we give you plenty of notice.
- You can stop using the service at any time.
Who are we? Vodafone Limited, Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN.
Version: July 2023